
Presentation at the Mobile World Congress on IMPACT GROWTH, Europe’s start-up accelerator programme

Ferrovial Services- as a strategic partner in the Impact Growth project -leads identification and acceleration of European-wide startups that develop their activity in the intelligent infrastructures sector.

Ferrovial Services, through its Centre of Excellence for Energy and Facility Management, is a strategic partner in the ‘Impact Growth‘ project. The aim of this project, which spans a two-year period and an investment of over 6 million Euros, is to design a programme to identify and accelerate 28 start-ups working on the Internet of the Future. This programme is part of the Horizon 2020 European framework for research and innovation, and is led by the innovation consultancy Funding Box. Partners in the initiative are ISDI, Mobile Word Capital Barcelona, Danone, Kibo Ventures, Fiware Foundation, DOCOMO Digital, Invesdor or Accelerace, amongst others.

The programme covers four sectors: Smart Infrastructures, Smart Digital Content, Smart Agrifood and Smart Industry. Ferrovial Services leads the Smart Infrastructures sector, where it is responsible for the selection and identification of start-ups capable of contributing to improving operations in the areas in which Ferrovial carries out its work.

Mobile World Congress: Open call for start-ups wishing to take part in the 4YFN event

The next open call for European start-ups wishing to take part in this initiative will launch on 27th February. During the event to mark the launch of the programme 4YFN – 4 Years From Now, which will take place within the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Ferrovial Services will provide a briefing on the type of solutions and start-ups it is looking to incorporate in the sectors in which it operates.

Chosen start-ups will have the chance to take part in an acceleration programme with mentoring on issues relating to business vision, technology and market scalability, as well as the chance of testing their solutions in a real working environment.

As an essential requirement for taking part in the programme, start-ups must use the FIWARE digital platform –an open source platform promoted by the EU within the context of Open Data, the IoT and cloud computing. FIWARE allows integration of apps and solutions developed by third parties through a simple, secure and low cost process.

The Impact Growth programme is delivered within the framework of Ferrovial Services’ innovation strategy for offering distinct solutions, and greater added value, to its clients, through an open innovation model and working together with technological partners, universities, research centres, start-ups, clients and financing bodies.

About the Centre of Excellence for Energy and Facility Management

The Centre of Excellence for Energy and Facility Management focuses its activity on the implementation of innovative services and the development of solutions and new products in the field of Energy and Facility Management. It works on the development of technologies and processes to enhance energy efficiency, lighting and network management, and the integral management of buildings and facilities, logistics or industrial technical services, amongst others.

With innovation, diversification and sustainability as core priorities, the Centre supports the company’s entire business cycle, from strategic planning through to business development, tendering processes, commissioning and contract delivery.  The Centre adapts to each situation to offer tailor-made support on the basis of the services being provided and the maturity of the country’s markets.

Contact Us


Ana García Ruiz


Isabel Muñoz Torres


Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015


Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605