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Ferrovial workers design a 100% sustainable on-site energy supply module that uses the renewable energy generated by the unit

Ferrovial joins “Earth Hour,” the global initiative against climate change.

407 ETR Releases its 2020 Sustainability Report

Cadagua was awarded with the operations and maintenance of Terrassa WWTP

Cadagua completes the construction of the biogas treatment plant at the LA GOLONDRINA WWTP

Cooperation between Ferrovial and CODESPA helps fight the COVID-19 crisis

NTE Mobility Partners accelerate growth of clean energy with solar from Sunfinity

Ferrovial sells its Environmental Services business in Spain and Portugal to PreZero (Schwarz Group) for €1,133 million

Ferrovial completes the improvement of the Toloto stream in Biscay

Ferrovial Supports Earth Hour, the Global Initiative Against Climate Change