Budimex, the Polish subsidiary of Ferrovial, is part of the consortium responsible for designing and building the main line of Rail Baltica in Estonia. The project scope includes the design and construction of a 58.08-kilometer railway line from Pärnu to the Latvian border. This high-speed project, tendered by OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia to transform the mobility of the Baltic countries, has a total estimated value of EUR332 million (approximately PLN 1.4 billion).
The contract will be executed under an ‘alliance’ formula, which is based on close collaboration between the contracting authority and the bidding companies. The process is divided into phases (ie: design, construction, and liability for defects), which are approved separately. This minimizes the risk of disputes and enables the project to be carried out more effectively and transparently. Budimex holds a 40% stake in the consortium and will focus solely on construction works.
Alongside Budimex, the consortium includes Bouygues Travaux Publics (France) and KMG Infra OÜ (Estonia) for construction; and Ingérop Conseil et Ingénierie (France) and WSP Finland Oy (Finland) for design.
The new railway infrastructure will allow trains to reach speeds of up to 249 kilometers per hour. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the Estonian estate budget, and project is expected to be completed by the end of 2030.
According to forecasts, the construction contract for the next section of Rail Baltica will increase Budimex’s order book by up to PLN500 million, after reaching a record PLN17.8 billion at the end of 2024.
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