Press Release

Ferrovial becomes first infrastructure company to obtain corporate governance certification from AENOR

  • The company obtained the highest possible grade: G++
  • The certificate recognizes Ferrovial’s commitment to the highest standards of corporate governance

Ferrovial is the first infrastructure company to be certified in accordance with AENOR’s Good Corporate Governance Index (GCGI). The certification is based on a series of standardized metrics that measure corporate governance compliance using nine variables, 41 indicators and 165 assessment criteria.

The composition of the Board of Directors, which includes a large proportion of independent members, the Board’s annual self-assessment, which is always carried out with the support of an external consultant, and the involvement of shareholders in defining the company’s environmental strategy, which is voted on each year at the Shareholders’ Meeting, are some of the aspects that resulted in Ferrovial obtaining the highest possible rating: G++.

“For a business to be profitable and sustainable over the long term, it needs a sound corporate governance model and must also enhance the relationship of trust with shareholders and stakeholders. AENOR certification of our compliance with the Good Corporate Governance Index underscores our commitment to best practices and encourages us to continue strengthening our governance system,” said Ignacio Madridejos, CEO of Ferrovial, during the ceremony at which the certificate was presented.

“Ferrovial has been scoring high for years in all areas related to quality and excellence. Consequently, the fact that it is now committed to corporate governance as a differentiating value and is a leader in its industry in this regard, setting the example for others, is worthy of recognition,” said Rafael García Meiro, CEO of AENOR.

A global commitment

AENOR’s Good Corporate Governance Index is the first certification on this subject in Spain and is based on the Good Corporate Governance Index methodology created by reputation management consulting firm Villafañe & Asociados. It is based on European regulations and on the Good Governance Code released by Spain’s National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). The certification process also makes it possible to identify actions to improve a company’s governance and the impact that implementing each of them would have.

AENOR recognizes Ferrovial’s efforts to achieve high international standards modifying during latest years its main governing body, with the appointment of Alicia Reyes and Hildegard Wortmann as independent directors.

Ferrovial is firmly committed to environmental, social and governance compliance. This is recognized through its inclusion in some of the most prestigious sustainability indexes, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good. It also carries out social initiatives to ensure equal opportunities and it invests in the community through social programs that have improved the living standards of more than 558,000 people to date.

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Ana García Ruiz


Isabel Muñoz Torres


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+1 (512) 568-5015


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