Press Release

Ferrovial Agroman position on the declarations in the Palau case

The media have reported statements made in court during the Palau case in the context of the defence strategy. In view of the content of those statements, Ferrovial Agroman places on record, once again: that its sponsorship was always public knowledge and that, in exchange, it received the normal quid pro quo in this type of cultural activity; that when its bids for projects were successful, it was because they received the best score, in financial and overall terms; and that the company has a policy of zero tolerance with corruption.

  • Ferrovial Agroman’s sponsorship of the Palau de la Música Catalana was public knowledge at all times and the results were satisfactory: all of the cultural events that were provided for in the cooperation agreements were actually held, and the standard benefits of this type of agreement, i.e. advertising and promotion, were obtained. Ferrovial Agroman always placed its trust in the management bodies of Palau de la Música Catalana (Board of Trustees and the Audit Committee), and in the external audit to which they were subject.
  • Where the company’s bids were successful, this was because they obtained the best overall score and the best score in economic terms, there being no special treatment in any case.
  • The company has a zero tolerance policy with regard to corruption and operates in the countries with the strictest requirements as regards business conduct. Ferrovial’s Code of Ethics prohibits executives and employees of the company from “bribing public authorities and officials, and giving or receiving undue payments of any kind to or from third parties”.
  • Ferrovial Agroman trusts in the justice system, and has a vested interest in ensuring that these matters are clarified as soon as possible.

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Ana García Ruiz

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Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015

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Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605