Press Release

Ferrovial calculates its worldwide carbon footprint

  • The company’s activities generated 1.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2009.
  • Ferrovial is working on a plan to reduce the emissions from all its activities, with targets set for 2015 and 2020.

Ferrovial has published its worldwide carbon footprint for the first time, after creating a methodology for calculating its emissions and having it validated independently. The outcome of this process is that Ferrovial generated 1,953,510 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2009.

The methodology, which encompasses 94% of Ferrovial’s total revenues (98% of EBITDA), fulfils the ISO 14064 standard and the GHG Protocol and has been validated independently. The published results were also verified independently to the GRI A+ standard. Waste management and airports were the largest sources of emissions in the group (accounting for over 80% of the total), concentrated principally in Spain and the United Kingdom.

For 2010, the company is readying a quantified emissions reduction programme which will affect all group activities, with targets set for 2015 and 2020. In recent years, Ferrovial has implemented ambitious plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its activities, in line with the Sustainability Policy approved in May 2008. Some of these initiatives, such as the Sustainable Mobility Plan, were pioneering moves in Spain.

The Plan, which was initiated at Ferrovial Services two years ago, seeks to reduce emissions arising from employee commutes and from company vehicles. Other divisions are implementing major projects to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. BAA, the airport subsidiary, has begun construction of Europe’s “greenest” airport terminal, at Heathrow. The new Terminal 2 will reduce CO2 emissions by 40% with respect to the buildings it replaces.

Cespa, Ferrovial’s municipal services subsidiary, reduced CO2 equivalent emissions by 519,000 tonnes by trapping biogas at its waste treatment plants, and another 44,000 tonnes by using the biogas to produce electricity. Over 5% of its vehicle fleet uses alternative energies or fuels, such as gas, biodiesel and electricity. 407 Express Toll Route in Canada also contributed to reducing the carbon footprint. The road helps users emit 50% less CO2 than alternative routes.

Expert recognition

The main international sustainability indices have recognised Ferrovial’s efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. The company was recently distinguished by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) as ranking second in the “Europe 300”, very closely behind French company Vinci. Ferrovial is also a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and the FTSE4Good index.

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