Press Release

Ferrovial awarded contract to underground Madrid’s M-30 beltway in the area of the former Calderón Stadium


  • Madrid City Government has awarded the contract to a joint venture of Ferrovial and Acciona
  • The work consists of undergrounding a section of Madrid’s Calle 30 as part of the “Nuevo Mahou-Calderón” project in order to enhance mobility and accessibility in the area
  • Work is scheduled to commence on September and to be completed in 20 months.

Ferrovial, via its construction subsidiary, has been awarded the contract to underground Madrid’s M-30 beltway in the vicinity of the Calderón stadium. The project is intended to provide continuity to the Calle 30 tunnel, as this is the only segment of the southern arc of the road that is still overground, since it ran below the western stand of the Vicente Calderón stadium. It will be carried out in a joint venture with Acciona. The project will also expand the “Madrid Río” park by eliminating this section of overground highway, which is a barrier to mobility.

The work consists of building a cut-and-cover tunnel 620 meters long with a width varying from 26 meters at its southern end to slightly over 21 meters at its northern end.

The new infrastructure will have all the facilities and services required to operate it and integrate with the adjoining sections of Calle 30; the tunnel roof is designed to accommodate bushes and trees to create a new green area linked to the “Madrid Río” park.

The work, which is scheduled to take 20 months, will be conducted while maintaining traffic flows in both directions along the M-30 using a provisional detour under the demolished stadium.

Ferrovial was previously involved in undergrounding other parts of Calle 30, specifically the Southern Bypass, the North Tunnel and the section between Segovia Bridge and San Isidro Bridge.

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