Press Release

Grupo Ferrovial, Banco Santander and Infraestructuras 2000 will construct and operate the Santiago-Talca Highway in Chile

The consortium Autopista del Maipo integrated by Cintra, Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, from Grupo Ferrovial; Golf Center, from Banco Santander, and Infraestructuras 2000, from Grupo Endesa, has been provisionally awarded the design, construction, financing, maintenance and operation of the 240 kilometers of the Santiago-Talca Highway and the Southern Access to Santiago, on Route 5 of the Pan-American road, the main communications axis in Chile.

Grupo Ferrovial has expressed its satisfaction for the award of a project totaling more than Pta 110 billion with a concession term of 25 years. For Rafael del Pino, Grupo Ferrovials CEO, “the Santiago-Talca Highway contract in Chile strengthens the Cintra project, ratifies the quality of the human team specialized in bidding and management of infrastructure projects and represents a major thrust for the international backlog of the Group, carried out through Ferrovial-Agromán Internacional”. In fact, the construction of this highway will cost Pta 75 billion and will be carried out by Ferrovial-Agromán Internacional. In this way, Ferrovial-Agromán Internacional (F&A) increases its works backlog to Pta 182 billion.

With this award, Grupo Ferrovial takes part in twelve transport concessions worldwide five of them in Chile consolidating itself as a world leader in the development of large infrastructure projects. Including this highway, it operates the concession of almost 1,200 kilometers of toll highways worldwide, of which 750 kilometers are in Chile.

The future highway project includes three different aspects: reconditioning and improvement of 190 kilometers of existing highway, with accesses on different levels, service roads, medians, etc; construction of a 28 kilometer by-pass to the town of Rancagua and construction of a new 47 kilometer highway to the East, in parallel to the existing one, which will become the new southern access to the Chilean capital. The road will include three trunk toll barriers two on the existing Route 5 and one on the Southern Access to Santiago and several side stations.

The offer presented by this consortium includes a fee of 10 pesos per kilometer, an initial royalty payment of 4 million Unidades de Fomento and an annual payment of 350,000 UF. Three other consortiums, the one formed by the Spanish companies ACS-Sacyr-ENA-Acesa-Iberpistas; Necso-Mendes Junior-Ingecol-Sical and the Mexican company ICA, presented offers.

Four in Spain, eight in Latin America

The Santiago-Talca Highway is the fifth in which Grupo Ferrovial takes part in Chile and must be added to the transport concessions in which it participates globally: four in Spain (Europistas, Eurovías, Autema and Autopista del Sol), three in Colombia and, including this one, five in Chile (El Melón Toll Tunnel; Talca-Chillán; Temuco-Río Bueno and Collipulli-Temuco). Thus, Grupo Ferrovial, which has an experience of more than thirty years, consolidates itself as an international market leader in the development of large infrastructure projects.

Together with Agromán, Grupo Ferrovial has established Cintra, Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., a company specialized in bidding for and managing transport infrastructure concessions. Cintra agglutinates the Groups stakes in highways, with a current valuation of Pta 70 billion and with a total accumulated investment close to Pta 500 billion. At present, Cintra has already bidden in several tenders and is studying concession projects in Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Colombia, Argentina, Morocco&for more than Pta 300 billion.

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