Press Release

Ferrovial to implement social projects in six countries in 2017

From the left to the right : Íñigo Meirás, CEO of Ferrovial, Robert Good, President of Save The Children; Ignacio Gil, President of Plan Internacional España; Rafael del Pino, Chairman of Ferrovial; Nicolás María Palacios, President of Fesbal; y Benjamín Aparicio, President of World Vision.

  • It will build water infrastructures in Colombia, Peru and Ghana.
  • In Spain, it will refurbish meal centers and food warehouses in Palencia, Murcia, Orense, Cáceres, Algeciras, Huelva, Granada, Madrid and Barcelona.
  • The total cost of the projects is in excess of 700,000 euro.

Ferrovial has signed agreements with a number of NGOs to cooperate with their community investment initiatives under the umbrella of its “Social Infrastructure”, “Stronger Together” and “Social Action in Spain” programs, for a total of 700,000 euro in 2017. These programs are part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, entitled “Plan 20.19”. There are six beneficiary countries this year: Colombia, Peru, Ghana, Haiti, India and Spain.

Under “Social Infrastructure“, Ferrovial will participate in three projects. The company will work with Plan International to upgrade water supply and sanitation in Ventanilla, Callao, Lima (Perú). This project involves building an underground and an overground tank, improving toilets and washing facilities, and reusing water.

In Colombia, in cooperation with Save the Children, the company will contribute to improving drinking water and sanitation infrastructure in four schools in the municipalities of El Tambo and Bolívar (Cauca). Additionally, water tanks will be built and existing reservoirs will be protected.

In cooperation with World Vision, Ferrovial will provide a supply of drinking water to four communities, a school and a health center in the Zabzugu district of northern Ghana, by fitting solar-powered pumps to four wells.

These three projects will improve living standards for around 13,421 people. In addition to the monetary contribution, Ferrovial employees will volunteer their time to provide technical and technological support at various stages of the projects. Since the program began in 2008, Ferrovial has allocated more than 4.5 million euro to ensuring access to drinking water for 191,000 people in various countries in Africa and Latin America.

Social Action in Spain

As part of its social commitment in Spain, Ferrovial will donate 100,000 euro to Banco de Alimentos foodbank to refurbish and/or upgrade nine meal centers and food stores in Palencia, Segura (Murcia), Orense, Cáceres, Algeciras, Huelva, Granada, Madrid and Barcelona. Since 2012, Ferrovial has allocated 497,894 euro to initiatives of this type, benefiting 31,417 people. In previous years, it worked with the Spanish Red Cross, Caritas and World Vision on this program in such cities as Madrid, La Coruña, Murcia, Santander, Barcelona and Seville.

Also, under the “Stronger Together” program, Ferrovial employees donate part of their salary to community action. The employees vote on how the funds are to be used. The company matches the donations.

In 2016, over 106,000 euro were allocated to three projects, proposed by Manos Unidas, Aldeas Infantiles SOS and Asociación Fontilles. Upgrading the Manos Unidas dispensary in Bonneau (Haiti) will benefit 8,000 people directly and another 7,000 indirectly. The birthing room will be separated from the emergency room, two rooms with beds will be added, and electricity will be installed in the entire building to ensure quality healthcare for the population.

With Aldeas Infantiles SOS, a day center will be established in Málaga for minors and families at risk of exclusion, lack of protection or social conflict. The center, which will benefit about 200 people, will orient disadvantaged families on finding work and caring for their children, covering their basic needs.

The project with Asociación Fontilles will focus on eliminating leprosy and improving patients’ living standards in Bangalore (India). It will benefit about 750 people directly and 80,000 indirectly through raising awareness in the community, creating self-help groups, and training healthcare professional in early detection and treatment of leprosy.

Since inception in 2005, the “Stronger Together” program has allocated over 1.4 million euro to projects that have benefited over 140,000 people.

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