For the fourth year running, it is the only Spanish construction group to be selected
The DJ Sustainability indexes are the worlds prime reference for companies committed to criteria of sustainability
For the fourth consecutive year, Ferrovial has been confirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). As in 2004, it is the only Spanish construction group chosen to form part of both the world"s and Europes leading sustainability indexes.
The DJ Sustainability indexes are one of the worlds prime reference for companies committed to criteria of sustainability.
Economic, social and environmental dimensions
The components examined in each of the dimensions are as follows: Economic (corporate governance, investor relations, strategic planning, risk management, code of conduct, etc.); Environmental (disclosure in annual report, environmental management and performance, recycling and efficient energy use policies, etc.); and Social (focused mainly on human capital, human resources management, disclosure in the annual report, safety and health policy, and social involvement in the surrounding community).
Its results will influence the investment decisions of asset managers in 14 countries who have licensed the DJSI family as benchmarks and underlying for a variety of sustainability-driven portfolios, including mutual funds, segregated accounts, structured products, as well as an exchange traded fund that is listed on Euronext.
Total assets under management in DJSI-based investment vehicles currently amount to 3.3 billion euro (4.1 billion USD).