Changes in the Board of Directors of Ferrovial

Press releases

Madrid, 25 March 2010. The Board of Directors of Ferrovial, the leading infrastructure development company, has appointed Karlovy, S.L. as director to fill the vacancy left by José María Pérez Tremps in December 2009. The appointment is by co-optation and must be approved by the General Shareholders' Meeting. Karlovy, S.L., a Del Pino family company, has designated Joaquín del Pino as its representative. Portman Baela, S.L. has announced that Leopoldo del Pino will be its new representative on the Board of Directors of Ferrovial.

The Board, which is chaired by Rafael del Pino, continues to be comprised by 13 directors, most of whom are independent. In addition to the Chairman, the Board consists of seven independent directors: Santiago Bergareche, Jaime Carvajal, Juan Arena, Santiago Eguidazu, Gabriele Burgio, Santiago Fernández Valbuena and José Fernando Sánchez-Junco; three proprietary directors: María del Pino, Portman Baela, S.L., and Karlovy, S.L.; Iñigo Meirás, Managing Director of Ferrovial, and Joaquín Ayuso.


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