Cintra founds a company to manage concession of all kinds of parking lots in Seville
Ferrovial Aparcamientos, ESSA and Dornier, Cintras three companies that concentrate their activity on the parking lot market, were the private firms chosen to incorporate a mercantile firm for parking lots in Seville, that shall manage the Blue Zone of the capital and will build and operate several underground parking lots, as well as all the parking lots it may be awarded in the future. The company also has a stake held by Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla (TUSSAM) – which holds 51% – and El Monte, Caja de Ahorros de Huelva y Sevilla – with 24% -, will have a stock capital of 900 million pesetas and be incorporated for a term of fifty years, that may be extended according to the potential or effective awards requiring a longer corporate term.
The new parking lot company was founded with a good portfolio of projects that will include investments amounting to 1,585 million pesetas. It has just been awarded the operation of the Blue Zone of the capital, a total of 1,876 spaces in the Mercado del Arenal zone, that may be extended to 4,500 in the next three years, for a concession term of ten years; and it already manages operation of a rotation parking lot with 245 spaces in the same zone. The company shall soon also undertake construction and later operation, for a fifty year term, of two underground parking lots, one of them mixed (rotation and residents) with 440 spaces in José Laguillo, and another for residents with 200 spaces in Pino Montano.
Investment capacity and experience
Cintras contribution to the new company will be its capacity to continue to make further investments and its lengthy experience in each one of the segments of the parking lot area, where it manages more than 100,000 spaces: parking lots for residents, through Ferrovial Aparcamientos; rotation parking lots, through ESSA; and the regulated above ground parking lots (Blue Zone), through Dornier.
It shall also implement a new service concept as a management tool, by providing novel services, such as loudspeakers, piped music, mobile telephony coverage, closed circuit television security, vending services, etc., in order to adapt the service to the growing demand in the City of Seville.