Press Release

Ferrovial awarded contract for the Rutas del Loa road project in Chile worth €273 million

  • The project, located in the Atacama desert, consists of upgrading and widening 111 kilometers of Ruta 25 and building a 25-kilometer bypass.
  • The company will also erect a new 14-story building for the University of Chile for €49 million.
  • Ferrovial’s construction subsidiary is firmly established in Chile, where it has participated in projects such as the Santiago Metro.

Ferrovial Agroman is to build the Rutas del Loa road project, in Chile’s Atacama region, for €273 million. The contract consists of upgrading and widening, to two lanes, a 111-kilometer section of the current Ruta 25 road and building a bypass road. The infrastructure will be managed by Intervial Chile under a 40-year concession. Ferrovial has also been awarded a building project for the University of  Chile.

The Rutas del Loa’s works include upgrading and double-lane widening a 111-kilometer segment in Calama and the construction of a 25-kilometer bypass road of this town, linking several roads. The works to be performed include notably building a 345-meter viaduct over the River Loa. One of the main challenges posed by the project is to minimize the impact on transport routes and utilities that run alongside the road. They include railway, water mains and gas pipelines, as well as telecommunications and electricity lines. The company will work closely with the Ministry of Public Works and the affected utilities to seek consensus solutions.

University of Chile

Ferrovial Agroman has also been awarded a contract to erect a new 14-floor building (five floors below grade and nine above), with 37,000 square meters of floor area, for the University of Chile, to house the Institute of Public Affairs, the Artistic and Cultural Extension Center, and the university’s central services, as well as the Institute of International Studies and several postgraduate services. The facade of the old Chemistry and Pharmacy School, which was located on the site, will be retained inside the new building. The project is worth €49 million and is to be executed in three years.

Ferrovial in Chile

Ferrovial has been operating in Chile since 1996, in the Toll Roads, Services, Construction and Airports businesses. Ferrovial Agroman played a leading role in building Santiago Metro line 6, which was inaugurated in December 2017: it built 3,000 meters of tunnel and seven of the ten stations. It is currently building the Universidad de Chile station, on line 3, and new accesses to the Tobalaba station, on line 4. The Services division is working with the mining industry through subsidiary Steel Ferrovial Servicios. Additionally, in 2016, Ferrovial acquired Transchile, which owns a 204-kilometer power transmission line.

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