Press Release

Ferrovial receives the United Nations Global Compact Award in Australia for its social investment programs

Ferrovial received the Social Investment Pioneer Award, granted by the United Nations Global Compact, in recognition of its Social Infrastructure program. This distinction, presented at a ceremony in Melbourne, recognizes Ferrovial’s leadership and innovation in the areas of Social Action and Corporate Responsibility.

The UN Global Compact’s Principles for Social Investment Secretariat presented the Social Investment Pioneer Award to Ferrovial’s Social Infrastructure Corporate Responsibility program, in the Strategic Corporate Philanthropy category. Through this program, Ferrovial provides technical expertise and financial support to develop basic water supply and sewage infrastructure in Latin America and Africa. Every year, the company selects water supply and sewage initiatives in vulnerable communities and participates in their funding, management and development.

The jury viewed the direct involvement of Ferrovial employees in the projects as a very positive factor. Employees participate as volunteers, sharing their technical know-how and professional experience on the ground or by distance means to ensure that the projects effectively meet the community’s needs.

According to Iñígo Meirás, CEO of Ferrovial: “The Social Infrastructure program is part of our Social Action strategy; it allows us be more than just financial donors and to truly participate in development. This award recognizes Ferrovial’s firm commitment to this cooperation model as well as the willingness and dedication of our company volunteers to contribute to the attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals set for 2015.”

The award was presented at a ceremony held in Melbourne, home to the Principles for Social Investment Secretariat. The Social Investment Pioneer Awards were launched at the United Nations Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum held in June 2012. These awards recognize the hard work and progress by United Nations Global Compact signatories’ social investment initiatives. The five categories are: Responsible Business, Inclusive Business, Shared Value, Social Business, and Strategic Corporate Philanthropy.

Social Infrastructure for the development of Africa and Latin America

Ferrovial has been developing social infrastructure through various initiatives around the world since 2005. To date, more than 90,000 people have benefited from these programs, in which dozens of volunteers have participated on the ground.

About Ferrovial

Ferrovial, one of the world’s largest infrastructure and city operators, is committed to developing sustainable solutions. The company has 70,000 employees and operates in over 15 countries. Its main business areas are: Services, Toll Roads, Construction and Airports. Ferrovial is part of Spain’s blue-chip IBEX-35 index and also of the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good and Ethibel indices. Ferrovial manages 407 Express Toll Route (Canada), Heathrow Airport (UK), Chicago Skyway (USA) and Ausol toll road (Spain), among others. It also provides municipal services in many cities and towns in Spain and the United Kingdom.

Contact Us


Ana García Ruiz


Isabel Muñoz Torres


Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015


Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605