El consorcio formado a partes iguales por Budimex, filial polaca de Ferrovial Agroman, y la empresa alemana Heilit+Woerner se ha adjudicado la construcción de un tramo de 15 kilómetros de la carretera S5, entre las localidades de Breslavia y Korzensko, en el suroeste de Polonia, por 468,5 millones de zlotys, equivalentes a unos 113 millones de euros.
Ferrovial Agroman, via Budimex, in consortium with equal partner Heilit+Woerner, of Germany, has been awarded a contract to build a 15-kilometre section of Expressway S5 between the cities of Wrocław and Korzensko, in southwest Poland. This project, worth 468.5 million zlotys (around 113 million euro), is to be completed in two and a half years, not including winters.
The contract also includes building two new junctions, 11 bridges, and service areas, as well as upgrading adjacent roads. When the project is complete, Expressway S5 will connect Wrocław with Poznań, providing a direct link between southwest Poland and the port city of Gdańsk via the junction with the A1 motorway.
The Polish government has approved a roads plan for 2014-2017 with a budget of approximately 8.5 billion euro. Budimex is playing a very active role in the development of Poland’s new road network.
The company has participated in the construction of several sections of the A1, A2 and A4 motorways, which serve as the main arteries for the country’s vehicle traffic. It was recently awarded the contract for another section of the A4, which will run across southern Poland from the German border to the Ukrainian border; the company had previously built two other segments of this road.