Press Release

Ferrovial lands 33 million euro contract to manage two wastewater treatment plants in Madrid

Ferrovial, through Ferrovial Agroman subsidiary Cadagua, which is specialised in the construction and management of water treatment plants, has been awarded a contract to operate and maintain the Rejas and Sur wastewater treatment plants in the Madrid region. The combined value of the two 4-year contracts is over 33 million euro.

Cadagua, Ferrovial Agroman’s subsidiary specialised in the construction and management of water treatment plants, has been chosen by Canal de Isabel II Gestión to operate and maintain two of its wastewater treatment plants in Madrid over the next four years for 33 million euro.

Cadagua will manage the Sur plant, which has nominal treatment capacity to serve 2,937,000 people and is the largest plant in the Madrid region, and the Rejas plant, with capacity to serve 685,000 people.

The company, which has over 40 years of experience in the water industry, is a leader in the design, construction and operation of water treatment plants. Cadagua has built more than 120 urban wastewater treatment plants, including some of the largest plants in Spain’s main cities. The company was responsible for developing the primary treatment for the Sur plant in Madrid and has also provided operation and maintenance services there. In this plant, Cadagua currently manages Europe’s largest thermal sludge drying plant under a BOOT contract (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer).

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