Press Release

Ferrovial to implement social investing projects in six countries in 2016

Signing of Ferrovial’s  ‘Social Infrastructure’ and ‘Social Action in Spain’ programmes: Jaime Montalvo, President of Ayuda en Acción; José Luis Leal, Presidente of Action Against Hunger; Íñigo Meirás, CEO of Ferrovial; Pilar Matías, Head of Communication of Anesvad; Luis Rivera, President of Plan International Spain; and Benjamín Aparicio, President of World Vision.

  • It will build water infrastructures in Colombia, Peru and Uganda
  • In Spain, it will refurbish meal centres in Asturias, Seville, Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid
  • The total cost of the projects is in excess of 700,000 euro

Ferrovial has signed agreements with a number of NGOs to cooperate with their community action initiatives under the umbrella of its “Social Infrastructure”, “Stronger Together” and “Social Action in Spain” programmes, for a total of 700,000 euro in 2016. These programmes are part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme, entitled “Plan 20.16”.

Under “Social Infrastructure”, Ferrovial will participate in four projects. It will assist Ayuda en Acción in upgrading and expanding the water supply system in El Salado (Colombia). This is part of a broader territorial development project linked to the return of the population affected by the armed conflict in 2000.

Also in Colombia, it will assist Action Against Hunger in building a drinking water system in San Vicente de Chucurí. With Plan International, it will upgrade the water supply system for 15 rural communities in Uganda by building 13 wells and upgrading two existing wells. In Paccha, in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca, the company will build three drinking water systems with Fundación Anesvad.

These four projects will improve living standards for around 17,000 people. In addition to the monetary contribution, Ferrovial employees will volunteer their time to provide technical and technological support at various stages of the project. Since the programme began in 2008, Ferrovial has allocated more than 3.6 million euro to ensuring access to drinking water for 163,000 people in various countries in Africa and Latin America.

Social Action in Spain

As part of its social commitment in Spain, Ferrovial will donate 100,000 euro to Fundación World Visión España to refurbish six food banks and meal centres in Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Barcelona and Mieres (Asturias). Since 2012, Ferrovial has allocated over 400,000 euro to initiatives of this type, benefiting 20,750 people. In previous years, it worked with the Spanish Red Cross, Banco de Alimentos and Caritas in such cities as Madrid, La Coruña, Murcia, Santander, Barcelona and Seville.

Under the “Stronger Together” programme, Ferrovial employees donate part of their salary to community action. The employees vote on how the funds are to be used. The company matches the donations.

In 2015, over 105,000 euro were allocated to three projects, proposed by Fundación Mozambique Sur, La Rueca Asociación Social y Cultural and Arquitectura Sin Fronteras. Through the project proposed by Fundación Mozambique Sur, 150 children aged under 6 from four villages in southern Mozambique who are in a situation of vulnerability will receive the necessary assistance to enable them to attend school (books and writing materials, hygiene products, school fees, board and lodging expenses at the school for one year, food support, and medical services).

With La Rueca, Ferrovial will support a project designed to foster autonomy for 100 elderly people by refitting their homes in the Madrid districts of Ciudad Lineal and San Blas-Canillejas. Additionally, 70 young people at risk of social exclusion will participate in a programme of companionship for those elderly people and assist with the refurbishment of their homes, which will improve their employability and level of integration.

The project with Arquitectura Sin Fronteras involves repairing the roof and generally improving sanitary conditions at the Joal Fadiouth maternity hospital in Senegal. Since inception, the “Stronger Together” programme has allocated over 1.3 million euro to projects that have benefited 130,524 people.


Ferrovial is one of the world’s leading infrastructure operators and municipal services companies, committed to developing sustainable solutions. The company has 100,000 employees and operates in over 20 countries. Its main business areas are: Services, Toll Roads, Construction and Airports. It is a member of Spain’s blue-chip IBEX 35 index and is also included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good; all its operations are conducted in compliance with the principles of the UN Global Compact, which the company adopted in 2002.

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