Community Engagement 2019
Ferrovial will participate in 2019 in social projects that will benefit more than 35,000 people in Spain, Africa and Latin America. Within the ‘Social Infrastructure’ program, Ferrovial will implement three projects: in Colombia, Peru and Zimbabwe: Within the framework of its social commitment in Spain, Ferrovial and the Altius Francisco de Vitoria Foundation will help improve the infrastructure and facilities of food bank distribution centers in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. In the ‘Stronger Together’ program, Ferrovial will implement three projects in cooperation with several NGOs: These programs are part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, entitled “Plan 20.19”.
Together with Acción Contra el Hambre, a project will be carried out in the community of Portugal (Colombia) that will provide a continuous supply of drinking water to more than 1,200 people.
With Ayuda en Acción, two communities in Peru — Chato Chico and Chato Grande — will benefit from improved sanitation and access to safe water.
And, in cooperation with World Vision, 5 hospitals and 2 schools in Mabhikwa (Zimbabwe) will receive access to water and sanitation.
In collaboration with CODESPA, it will provide comprehensive support to 170 child victims of violence who are incarcerated in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
With Ojos del Mundo, 10,000 primary school students in Inhambane (Mozambique) will receive an eye test, and glasses will be provided free of charge to prevent eye diseases.
In Spain, with Aldeas Infantiles SOS, a foster home in the Galician town of Redondela will be refurbished.
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