Eurolink M3 & M4 raised €6,673 for the Annual Special Olympics collection

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Eurolink M3 & M4 raised €6,673 for the Annual Special Olympics Collection

The Irish highways Eurolink M3 & M4 participated in the Annual Special Olympics Collection day celebrated last friday, on the 5th of april. The aim was to raise funds for team Ireland who sent 91 special olympics athletes to the Special Olympic World Summer Games in Dubai, march 2019 and for 8,000 special olympics athletes that train in their clubs week in week out. Thanks to the support of our two Eurolink projects, we raised €6,673 for these athletes that train on a daily / weekly basis for health, life, sport, and fun.

From their initial involvement, due to their contacts in the Irish Tolling industry, Eurolink M3 & M4 managed to increase the collections from their Toll Plazas in Ireland to other Toll Plazas around Ireland. On average, the Tolling industry in Ireland now raises over €25,000 in one day for the Annual Special Olympics collection day.

Furthermore, Eurolink’s staff are very willing and pleased to be involved in the collection and the feedback from their generous customers is extremely positive, in addition to the encouraging customer comments their customers were very willing to donate to such a worthy cause.

Thanks to all M3 & M4 customers and volunteers that participated in this initiative!

customers and volunteers that participated in this initiative


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