Cristóbal Martínez, Director of the Technical Office at Cintra, participated in the conference “Spanish Civil Engineering in the International Arena. Learning to Cross Borders,” held by the Asociación Española de Ingeniería Estructural in partnership with the Demarcación de Madrid at the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
The objective of this meeting was for Spanish professionals in design, construction, and infrastructure management to share their experiences, opportunities, and difficulties as technicians and consultants through their work in geographical and cultural fields other than Spain.
According to data from the association of construction companies, SEOPAN, 75% of the activity in the construction sector in Spain is currently carried out in other countries, in neighboring areas as well as places as far away as Oceania
That was how Martínez started his speech, which he presented as part of a module on use and maintenance, the presentation Criteria for design and use by a highway concession holder. Cintra’s experience.
During his presentation, he explained the challenge of managing risks that a highway concession holder faces and the differential questions in the different markets in which Cintra currently operates.
Fidel Sáenz de Ormijana, Technical Director at Ferrovial Agroman, also participated in the closing ceremony of this conference, at a round table that analyzed the evolution of Spanish participation in international developments.