Budimex, the Polish subsidiary of Ferrovial Agroman, has been included in the ranking of listed companies with top ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) data reporting.
Around 75% of listed Polish companies do not publish any environmental management information, while almost 80% of issuers do not inform the market about social responsibility. In this sense, Budimex is separating itself from the competition thanks to its commitment with transparency, corporate governance, environmental protection and social responsibility.
The ESG Data Analysis Index is the first project of this kind in Poland. It organizes non-financial data from all companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange or the NewConnect market, an index devoted to medium-size firms.
More than 800 different companies were considered by the ESG index, and the final ratings have taken into account international standards for sustainable development such as the United Nations Global Compact, the OECDs Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises or the International Labour Organisations Conventions.