Do you want to know how Ferrovial acts in terms of sustainability? Check out the Carbon Footprint Inventory 2016


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The Carbon Footprint Inventory 2016 is now available for you to consult. This document contains the strategies and lines of action that the company has carried out during this year to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as their energy consumption. 
See our Carbon Footprint Inventory 2016
At the end of 2016, the UN Summit on Climate Change (COP 22) was held in Marrakech, where, following a major agreement from the participating countries, a work program was achieved to bring the Paris Agreement into its objectives already in 2018. This edition approved a document that will guide the establishment of the rules that will govern the historic agreement, whose main objective is to limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius compared with pre-era levels efforts to limit global warming. With permanent fixation in the analysis and reduction of its carbon footprint, since 2009 Ferrovial has measured 100% of the greenhouse gas emissions from its activities worldwide. In addition, in 2016 began the development of a new tool that will allow the compilation of the information of the Water Footprint and that will be implemented during the year 2017. In 2016 Ferrovial has been awarded another year for its climate change strategy, as it is included in the Climate A List leadership category in the Climate Change edition, which classifies companies with best practices in emissions reduction and Its management to mitigate the effects. On the other hand, the well-known Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good, MSCI, STOXX sustainability indexes have also highlighted Ferrovial's climate strategy and the management of its carbon footprint. Discover our interactive inventory


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