Expansion of Murcia’s Cañada Hermosa waste treatment complex places it at the vanguard in Europe


Santiago Olivares, CEO of Ferrovial Services, and Miguel Ángel Cámara, Mayor of Murcia, inaugurated the first phase of the Cañada Hermosa sewage plant expansion project, which cost 30 million euro. The expansion, which commenced a year ago, provides six new facilities that enable the plant to undertake 15 additional types of waste processes (expected to handle up to 500,000 tonnes in 2014). tratamiento-residuos-murcia-hermosa.jpgThe new facilities, built as part of the Cespa Servicios Urbanos (Ferrovial Servicios) street cleaning and waste management contract in Murcia, will increase the current capacity for treating packaging waste, improve the sludge composting process, and incorporate new treatments, such as energy-from-waste (EfW), where waste that originally was disposed of in landfills will now be used as refuse-derived fuel (RDF). Sorting plant for packaging and other waste: This plant, which will treat waste collected in grey and yellow bins, will double the capacity for treating other waste (currently 251,119 tonnes/year) and triple the capacity for treating packaging waste (currently 6,874 tonnes/year), enabling it to meet future needs. Bulky and industrial waste treatment plant. Waste from households, shops, offices and services obtained through a special furniture and fixtures collection service. The plant will have the capacity to treat 41,000 tonnes of industrial waste and 5,000 tonnes of bulky waste per year. Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) production plant. The non-reusable fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) and light packaging, as well as commercial, industrial and bulky waste (with a high heating value), will be converted into refuse derived fuel, which will be used as an alternative in cofiring facilities (cement plants, thermal power plants, industrial kilns), helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. The plant will have an initial capacity to process 20 tonnes/hour, and up to 40 tonnes/hour in the future. Sludge drying plant. This plant will improve the current process of composting sludge from the waste water treatment plant, the goal being to reduce sludge humidity by 60-80% to obtain a product with minimal water content. The four drying tunnels will initially be able to process 20,000 tonnes/year, a clear reflection of the focus on renewable energies. The complex will also include an e-waste (electrical and electronic waste) treatment plant, which will have the capacity to recover 1,500 kg/hour of small electrical appliances and 20 refrigerators/hour, and will also have a specific line for treating scrap vehicles. In addition to promoting environmental preservation, the process will break up e-waste, enabling the components to be reused. The Biomethanisation Plant, which will have the capacity to treat 10,000 tonnes of organic material and agricultural waste and will generate a million cubic metres of biogas each year, will be used to generate electricity or to dry brewer's spent grain.


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