
Ferroser gives assistance in airports to people with reduced mobility

Ferroser ofrece asistencia a las personas con movilidad reducida en los aeropuertos

Before landing in Costa Brava Airport, Gerona, Juan Espejo lived in the United Kingdom, where he completed his studies in Communication and Public Relations. He later studied a Master’s Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing and was Sub-director of Operations for a sports multinational.

Espejo continues to look for new challenges: “I felt like changing to this sector, and when I discovered its diversity I was fascinated by this job and by Ferrovial.” In the summer of 2010 Ferrovial came to Gerona airport to provide an assistance service for Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM) and since then has assisted over 4,000 people and has won supreme recognition: top marks from the users. The service currently boasts a certified average of 4.80 over 5 points.

“Our mission is to aid anyone who requires assistance, whether for reasons of advanced age or because they have a physical or mental disability,” explains Espejo. “The launch of the service is a major social advance for this collective and facilitates travel for them,” he adds.

Gerona airport is the 8th Spanish airport in number of passengers. The Assistance Service headed by Espejo has a stationary staff of 18 people. Espejo defends his management style: “I like to create a good team, involve them in projects and direct them towards the company’s goals, seeking to motivate them to create a good working atmosphere in which we are all prepared to deal with both critical and successful moments.”

Although this is a recent service, Espejo says that PRM assistance is forecasted to grow within Ferrovial. The business, which is managed through Airport Assistance, the airport brand of Ferrovial Servicios, services 12 airports and plans to expand assistance to foreign countries. “This represents a major professional and personal challenge. I can only hope to participate in many successful actions and, like many others, make my own personal contribution,” concludes Espejo.

Keys that unlock this profession

Juan Espejo lists the key pointers for those who wish to work in this business:

  • “Safety is one of the most important aspects and so it is crucial to be well-acquainted with the airport sector and all the legislation in force.”
  • Social skills: “good manners, sensitivity and friendliness are key aspects when it comes to selecting candidates.”
  • Scores of people from all over the world go through airports each day, making it crucial to “speak several languages to be able to communicate with the passengers.”
  • Skills in computer applications to manage assistance requests submitted without prior warning, via the internet or through the different airlines.

Contact Us

Head of External communication and Institutional relations

Ana García Ruiz

External communication and media relations

Isabel Muñoz Torres

Head of US Corporate Communications and Brand

Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015

UK Communications Director

Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605