Ferrovial has become a member of
Climate-KIC and has submitted the relevant documentation to be accepted as a Core-Partner. Ferrovial joins Climate-KIC through the network’s Spanish node, together with organisations such as the
University of Valencia or the
Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE). Major European members are
Birmingham City Council,
KLM, Imperial College of London, or Amsterdam’s
Schiphol airport.
What is Climate KIC?
Climate-KIC is the largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It is comprised by academic institutions, public bodies, large companies and start-ups. Its mission is to
bring together, inspire and empower a dynamic community for building a carbon-free economy and a climate resilient society.
The organisation headquarters are in London. Through a number of office nodes throughout Europe, such as the Spanish node, it
drives innovation, entrepreneurship and training through programmes for attracting talent, higher education, and acceleration of innovative ideas for tackling global warming.
Climate-KIC structures the fight against climate change into four areas: increasing sustainability in urban settings, sustainable production systems, sustainable land use management, and decision metrics and finance.
Ferrovial’s environmental strategy
Ferrovial seeks to contribute to a better future by developing and operating sustainable infrastructures and cities. It is committed to the highest standards of operational excellence and innovation, and seeks to provide added value both to society and to its clients, investors and employees.
Ferrovial is currently listed on the
Climate Disclosure Leadership Index and the
Climate Performance Leadership Index. Its strategy has been recognised by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) with the highest ratings. Moreover, the
Dow Jones Sustainability Index and
FTSE4Good have highlighted Ferrovial’s climate strategy.
Ferrovial’s success in being accepted as a member is based to a great extent on its diverse work team, led by Ferrovial’s Quality and Environment Department, together with Ferrovial’s
Innovation and Processes division and the
Centre for Innovation in Intelligent Infrastructures (CI3).