Ferrovial Conservación extends its AENOR Quality Certificate according to ISO standard 9001


Ferrovial Conservación extends its AENOR Quality Certificate according to ISO standard 9001

Ferrovial Conservación (Ferconsa), the company which concentrates Grupo Ferrovial´s Conservation and Maintenance activities, has obtained an extension of its "Company Register Certificate" according to UNE-EN-ISO standard 9001, covering all of Spain, from the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR).

The certificate´s scope includes all integrated management services maintenance, conservation, environment, cleaning, security, space restructuring, administration of real estate property, etc. as well as project and works.

The attainment of AENORs Quality Certificate backs the policy of Quality Systems implementation developed by Ferrovial in all its activities. Since 1996, Ferrovial has the Company Register Certificate from AENOR, according to ISO standard 9001, adding design activities to those included in the certificate obtained in 1995 ISO 9002. At the moment, Ferrovial is developing a pioneer industry experience: the implementation of SIGMA (Environmental Management System).

Ferrovial Conservación initiated its activities in 1991 as a Ferrovial division and, since 1994, it is operating as Ferconsa, in the Facility Management market, integrating global maintenance and construction of facilities, cleaning and garden-keeping, sport facilities management, hospital management, etc. Its Small Centralized Works division, on the other hand, covers repair, reform services and small works and extensions, for bank offices, gas stations, franchises, etc. Ferconsa is also working abroad, specifically in Portugal, with revenues in excess of Pta 4 billion in the past year.


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