
Ferrovial Construction Obtains 4 International Patents for its New Pile Technology

  • Ferrovial Construction and Grupo Rodio-Kronsa have developed a new type of pile; the shaft grouted driven concrete pile
  • The total pile length in a deep foundation can be reduced, cutting down on construction period and reducing foundation cost

This technology is already patented in Spain (2017 grant), Colombia (2019 grant), the United States (2020 grant) and Chile (2020 grant, title pending issuance). Patents are also pending in other geographies such as Europe, Australia, Canada and Brazil.

About this technology

Piles are usually classified on the basis of their behaviour, construction procedure, materials used and cross-sectional shape. According to the construction methodology, piles can be classified as in situ piles and driven piles.

Ferrovial Construction and Grupo Rodio-Kronsa have developed a new type of pile; the shaft grouted driven concrete pile (SGDCP).

This driven concrete pile has a square cross section with a hollow tube along its longitudinal axis, which is connected to a network of secondary lateral tubes. Each lateral tube, located in perpendicular direction to the pile axis, directly connects the main axial hollow tube with the pile surface, and is fitted with one-way valve. Following the driving process, the pile surround is pressure grouted to increase its shaft capacity, achieving a greater skin friction than in a conventional driven concrete pile.


technology shaft grouted driven concrete pile construction ferrovial

New Concrete Pile Technology Innovation Construction Ferrovial

technology shaft grouted driven concrete pile ferrovial construction

As a consequence, several advantages have been identified: the total pile length in a deep foundation can be reduced, cutting down on construction period and reducing foundation cost.

With the aim of assessing the increase in pile shaft capacity as a result of the pressure grouting, dynamic load tests are conducted before and after the injection process. These tests show how the shaft capacity is significantly increased due to the pressure grouting, with shaft capacities between two and seventeen times greater than the ones registered before the injection process.

What does patenting this technology imply?

The patents obtained are a result of the success achieved, since they ratify the novelty of the technology developed, demonstrate the capacity for highly specialized technological development, grant exclusive exploitation rights for the technology developed in each of the countries and provide differentiation by technological prestige with respect to local or international competitors.


Ruiz Terán, P. 2016. Una nueva tipología de pilotaje: pilote hincado de hormigón reinyectado por el fuste. Tesis. Universidad de Cantabria.

Ruiz Terán, P., Arcos Álvarez, J.L., Gil Lablanca, R., Cano Barreiro, C. 2019. 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. A new type of pile: the shaft grouted driven concrete pile.

© Header: Pedro Parra Moyano.

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