
Ferrovial promotes safe mobility solutions in the Autonomus Ready Spain innovation program

Ferrovial is part of the Autonomus Ready Spain collaborative programme to improve road safety in the field of urban mobility in collaboration with the Directorate General for Traffic (DGT), the Barcelona City Council and Mobileye. Ferrovial Servicios participates in the first phase of this program that is being developed in the city of Barcelona.

Autonomous Ready Spain is a pioneer in the world and is designed to reduce accidents in the urban environment through the use of driving assistance technologies (ADAS). In addition, other private companies such as Alphabet, Aquaservice, Pascual Quality, Correos, Endesa, Gestores 1880 SAU (GESCO), Ferrovial, Obremo, Fraikin, Logista (Nacex Integra2), Carfax, Línea Directa and Seur, have also taken part in the launch of the programme.

These systems are based on the installation of a set of sensors and intelligent cameras which, connected to a data recognition and processing tool, interpret the real-time environment to help drivers prevent potential collisions while providing information on risk points in the city’s road infrastructure.

Technology at the service of Road Safety

Ferrovial Servicios will provide 100 vehicles and data generated to the project, while in the area of Mobility, Ferrovial Corporation will evaluate the collaboration with the DGT in the projects where Mobileye technology is used: a system for improving road safety and having artificial intelligence based viewfinders that interpret the environment (speed signals, presence of pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists) to alert the driver of possible collisions. At the same time, the devices are designed to gather dynamic and static information from the city. This information is sent to the cloud and analysed to identify risk points, design infrastructure improvements and ensure safe mobility.

The pilot project, launched in Barcelona last December, will serve as a model for other cities to protect vulnerable users on the streets as it makes its way to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/543 of April 2019, which will force all vehicles in the EU to be equipped with new safety technologies to protect passengers, pedestrians and cyclists.

The event was attended by Pere Navarro, General Director of Traffic, Rosa Alarcon, Mobility Councilor of the City of Barcelona, Rafael Fernandez, Director of Digital Strategy and Innovation at Ferrovial and Narcis Jongarriu Pujol, Regional Director of Local Administrations of Ferrovial Servicios.

During the practical demonstration of the vehicles incorporating the ADAS technology, Pere Navarro claimed,

"A revolution in cities is taking place in terms of mobility. We, the public authorities, must ensure that the mobility of people, regardless of the mode of transport they use for their journeys, is safe, and a key support for this technology".

Pere Navarro

General Director of Traffic

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