
Ferrovial Services and ICEX invite innovative companies to take part in the Urban Solutions Programme

The Programme is looking for Spanish technological solutions that will improve the quality and efficiency of urban services. The registration period is open until 9th September.

Ferrovial Services –through its Centre of Excellence for Cities and Spain’s Official Exports and Investments Agency (ICEX) have launched the ‘ Programa Soluciones Urbanas‘, the Urban Solutions Programme, for promoting Spain’s innovative talent and supporting its internationalisation. In addition, this Programme seeks to drive the Spanish brand’s position as a benchmark in urban innovation and technology, and act as a reference for those cities aiming to use technology to improve the efficiency and quality of their urban services.

Through this invitation targeting innovative companies and start-ups, Ferrovial Services is looking for a latest generation Spanish technological solution that will improve the efficiency and quality of environmental urban services such as waste collection, street cleaning and the management of parks and gardens, with a view to helping to care for the environment and improve people’s quality of life. The solutions are to be based on the application of at least one of six state-of-the-art technologies: nanotechnology, electric propulsion, robotics, the internet of things, artificial vision or wearables.

How to take part

The Programme is organised as an open, public competition. The winning company will be given the opportunity to test its solution in a contract with Ferrovial Services in the United Kingdom, and will feature in its Catalogue of Innovative Services. The runner-up solutions will also be considered for their inclusion in the catalogue. The period for registering entries is open until 9th September via the email address

Commitment to urban innovation

The Urban Solutions Programme is framed within the Ferrovial Services strategy of supporting cities in the development of innovation targeting the local community, enriching the range of services with the best innovative solutions, besides contributing to social development by backing entrepreneurship. This programme takes its place alongside other projects such as Sheffield Smart Lab, Madrid Smart Lab, Cities Open Challenge and the Urban Solutions Project.


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