
Ferrovial takes part in the Forbes Diversity Summit

Forbes Spain dedicated its second 2018 Summit to diversity, the key to success for achieving more sustainable and socially responsible companies.

Ferrovial has taken part in the Forbes Diversity Summit, the second event on diversity organised by the prestigious Forbes Magazine, which brought together top managers from the most “diverse” companies of the moment to discuss the path to follow and the challenges facing our society.

Following a presentation of the event by Andrés Rodríguez, editor and director of Forbes Magazine, Cristina Cifuentes, president of the Madrid Community, gave the opening speech at the Rafael del Pino Foundation in Madrid, in which she stressed that “diversity multiplies creativity, boosts innovation and strengthens competition”.

Present on behalf of Ferrovial were Silvia Lázaro, Internal Communications, Diversity and Commitment manager, who took part in the round table on Multigenerational Talent Management. Facilitated by journalist Silvia Intxaurrondo, the debate focused on the value of each person as a unique, different and inimitable individual bringing resources and talent. Also participating in addition to Silvia Lázaro were Juan Pedro Tudela (Diversity Consulting), Esther Morillas (Coca-Cola Iberia), Miguel Castro (SAP) and José Morejón (Santander Bank).

Irene Villa, a journalist, writer and psychologist, was also present at the event to provide an account of her own experience as an example of how barriers can be overcome to achieve any objective we may set for ourselves.

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