
On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Ferrovial will donate €1 for every ZITY carshare ride

  • The funds will be allocated, through the Candelita Foundation, to victims of violence against women who are in a situation of extreme vulnerability
  • This initiative strengthens the company’s commitment to a society free from violence against women

Ferrovial, through its ZITY carsharing system, has implemented an initiative to support International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Under the slogan “Let’s build a world free from violence against women”, the company will donate €1 for every ZITY carshare ride on 25 November to the Candelita Foundation, which will use the funds to help victims of violence against women who are in a situation of extreme vulnerability.

As part of this initiative, which reinforces Ferrovial’s commitment to society, the company will also carry out other awareness-raising activities in order to make this situation more visible. They include hanging banners on some of the company’s principal infrastructure projects bearing the slogan “Let’s build a world free from violence against women”. That same message will also be silkscreened on sanitizing hand wipes that will be distributed through recycling centers in Madrid.

The funds will be distributed in the form of checks for €200 to be delivered to female victims of gender violence on 1 December, Giving Tuesday.

Ferrovial is committed to a society free from violence against women

In 2013, the company joined “Business for a society free from gender violence”, an initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality which aims to raise awareness about equality between men and women and to foster respect for fundamental rights with the goal of achieving a society free from gender violence.

Ferrovial’s commitment, which is aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 5, also includes initiatives to hire victims of abuse in partnership with the Integra Foundation. Ferrovial’s specific contribution consists of directly hiring women who have suffered abuse. Additionally, in the framework of the 2nd Equality Plan, Ferrovial developed an internal protocol for action in cases of gender violence. The protocol provides guidance on how to protect employees who may be victims of violence of this type.

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