Granada promotes environmental education through artistic recycling


environmental education granada recycles with art project
Inagra and the Granada School of Art exhibit 40 sculptures made with recycled materials
The company in Granada, specialised in integral sanitation services, Inagra, a company which is committed to the conservation and protection of the environment, has together with Granada City Council and the Granada School of Art promoted environmental education through the exhibition "Granada Recicla con Arte" (Granada recycles with Art). An exhibition of sculptures where iron and metal are given a "second chance in life". Within the framework of the environmental awareness campaigns promoted by Inagra every year, students from the Granada School of Art created a series of sculptures featuring welded figures and metal and enamel pieces, all made with recycled materials, as centre parts of an exhibition which aims to be an allegory for the conservation and protection of the environment. With this educational purpose in mind, common waste materials such as wire, chains, cutlery, bearings, hangers, steel tubes or screws, together with other more sophisticated pieces such as turning wheels, transmission bearings or tractor blades, have been transformed into original pieces and sculptures, showing how everyday materials and objects can be reused. Versions of classical sculptures, such as a gigantic Augustus of Prima Porta, a Winged Victory of Samothrace or a Corinthian capital, sit alongside figures of insects and birds, such as dragonflies, snails, praying mantes, bees, spiders or beetles, and other animals such as frogs, bulls, peacocks, turtles or seahorses, all created with reused metals. This initiative promotes environmental education and raises awareness on the value of reusing and recycling.


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