- 5.8 million passengers passed through Heathrow in March 2014, down 2.8% on March 2013.
- Seats per aircraft increased 1.9% whilst load factors decreased 3.6 percentage points, to 72.2%. Passengers per aircraft decreased 3% to 146.6.
- The reduction in traffic and load factors reflects the shift of Easter holidays into April this year, from March last year
- Within the emerging markets, Mexico was up 19%, China was up 11.6% and Turkey was up 7.2%.
- Cargo was up 4% on the previous year.
- March saw Terminal 5 receive the Skytrax ‘World’s Best Airport Terminal’ award for a third year in a row, whilst Heathrow won the ‘Best Airport for Shopping’ for a fifth time at the World Airport Awards.
Press Release: Heathrow traffic and business commentary March 2014.