After opening to traffic early, the Highway 407 East Phase 2 project in Toronto is now officially complete.
Blackbird Infrastructure 407 General Partnership and Blackbird Constructors 407 General Partnership received the project’s Final Completion Certificate on July 31, 2020. This Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) project has a contract value of about $1.2 billion.
The Highway 407 East Phase 2 project now extends Highway 407 22 kilometers (13.7 miles) from Oshawa to Highway 35/115 in Clarington, ON. It connects Highways 401 and 407 East with the 10-kilometer (6.2 miles) Highway 418 and overall provides eight new interchanges, including three freeway-to-freeway connections.
This project was a massive undertaking that will help ease traffic congestion in the Greater Toronto Area and improve the flow of goods, services and people regionally. The project was completed early – to the benefit of the traveling public – while still making safety our top priority. Work on the 407 East Phase 2 involved 76 subcontractors and led to the creation of thousands of jobs over a five-year period.
Work on the project started in May 2015 and achieved Substantial Completion in November 2019, opening to traffic in early December 2019. During the final completion phase more than 6,300 inspections and tests were performed to confirm the project’s work quality. The Project Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIF) at final completion was 0.098, compared to the average Provincial rate of 3.63. Blackbird Constructors is currently in the final stages of completing warranty related items such seasonal plantings, which will be completed in mid-October.
Despite the huge difficulties working under extreme Canadian winter conditions and the strict environmental restrictions during construction period, 407 East Extension Highway began operation on time, according to contractual oblations and Final Completion was achieved. This was possible thanks to the great job performed for both teams, Blackbird Infrastructure team and Blackbird Construction team, working together. Congratulations to both teams.
Blackbird Constructors 407 General Partnership is a joint venture between Ferrovial Construction Canada and Dufferin Construction.
Blackbird Infrastructure 407 General Partnership is a Partnership between Cintra and CRH.