
LinkedIn ranks Ferrovial in Top 5 businesses that most interest Spanish professionals

LinkedIn ranks Ferrovial as the fourth business of greatest interest to professionals on LinkedIn Spain.

The professional social network LinkedIn has recently brought to light, at London’s Talent Connect event, the ranking of the businesses that most interest professionals who are active on this platform, in order of country (Most in Demand Employers). They have calculated this according to the volume of searches and interactions made by users in respect to the different businesses present on this channel during the past year.

The Top 20 companies preferred by professionals on LinkedIn Spain

Featured in the Top 20 for Spain are important multinational companies, both national ones as well as international companies from sectors as diverse as the consumer goods, pharmaceutical, industrial and textile industries. Out of this list, the top 5 businesses preferred by Spanish professionals on LinkedIn are: (1) Google, (2) Apple, (3) Inditex, (4) Ferrovial and (5) Danone.

What criteria does LinkedIn take into account to put together the Top 20?

As the newspaper El País explains, in order to create this list, LinkedIn has analyzed millions of interactions between users and companies through the platform, using specific criteria to determine a user’s activity with a particular company through the network; how many times people have visited the company’s profile or how many times they’ve connected with them in the last year, the engagement of professionals within the company: how many users have the businesses’ page on their profile, if the users have visited the job page in the last year and the interest that they show towards job opportunities published by the company on LinkedIn.

Ferrovial’s LinkedIn profile has been recognised previously this year

This is not the first time this year that Ferrovial has been acknowledged by LinkedIn. Ferrovial received a prize in the Communication category at the first edition of the IN Awards 2015 from LinkedIn Talent Solutions which took place on Thursday the 18th June. Ferrovial was also honoured at the 2015 Internet Day Awards, in the social networking category, for its work on its LinkedIn channel. This recognition supports the excellent work conducted by the Digital Communication and Human Resources departments to streamline and manage Ferrovial’s account in LinkedIn.


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