
Maji Ni Uhai! Water is life!

Maji Ni UhaiHow would your life be if you walked 4 hours every day simply to collect clean water for drinking, cooking or washing? For much of the population of the Serengeti (Tanzania) this is their daily routine. The lack of water is one of the fundamental reasons for poverty in the African country. The UN advocates every citizen having access to at least 20 litres of clean water a day as a basic human right. However, in Tanzania, the inhabitants survive on just 7 litres, compared to Europe’s 170.

Volunteers from Ferrovial, and its subsidiaries Ferrovial Agroman and Cadagua, are working together to build infrastructure that will supply water to the Serengeti.

The documentary Maji Ni Uhai, that you can watch on this page, explains what Tanzania’s water problem really is and exposes the challenge to improving living conditions in this natural paradise.

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