
Rafael del Pino participates in the VII Forum on Engineering and Public works

On November 30th, the VII Global Forum on Engineering and Public Works, organized by the College of Civil Engineering and in collaboration with the Fundación Caminos, Menéndez Pelayo International University and the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, took place at the headquarters of the College of Roads, Channels and Ports (CICCP) in Madrid. 

The event was inaugurated by the president of the CICCP, Miguel Ángel Carrillo, and the Director of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIPM), Carlos Andradas, who were joined by Nadia Calviño, First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Raquel Sánchez, Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, and Rafael del Pino, Chairman of Ferrovial, among other prominent speakers. 

The forum “Pathways for a new transformation in Spain” was an opportunity to analyze Spain’s energy system, water resources, and potential impacts of climate change. The event’s speakers underlined the importance of the Next Generation Funds, which finance the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and how it can help push forward the country’s economic reforms, as well as the need for investment in infrastructure to help generate social and territorial cohesion. According to the speakers, investment in public works such as construction, sustainable mobility projects and housing rehabilitation are a key opportunity to modernize Spain’s infrastructure, reactivate the economy and generate jobs.

Mr. Rafael del Pino made the opening speech at the round table ‘Construction and Public Works for the recovery’, attended by Julián Núñez, Chairman of SEOPAN, Enrique Rodríguez, Managing Director of ANCI, Pablo Bueno, Chairman of Tecniberia and Mariano Sanz, Secretary General of the CNC. The round table was moderated by the journalist Mariano Guindal. 

During his speech, Mr. Del Pino claimed how the expertise and capabilities of Spanish companies will help support Spain’s economic recovery, especially since Ferrovial is a global leader and investor of international projects and a company with enough capacity and resources to support in this task. 

In addition, Mr. Del Pino highlighted the strong capacity of the infrastructure and public works sector due to their ability to develop projects with enormous potential, mobilize investments and have a positibe impact on the society and the economy. 

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