This is a pioneering city innovation programme which aims to identify opportunities for improving the efficiency of urban services through intelligent use of data.
Santander City Lab, a data analysis research programme delivered by the Santander Town Council, the University of Cantabria and Ferrovial Services, has presented its conclusions on the “Urban Analytical Models” project on waste collection and street cleaning services. The event took place in the offices of the Santander Town Council, with Iñigo de la Serna, Mayor of Santander; Angel Pazos, Vice-chancellor of the University of Cantabria; and Iñigo Jodra, Director of Ferrovial Services Centre of Excellence for Cities in attendance.
Using purpose-built research methodology, the project has shown that the intelligent use of information can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of urban services provision for the benefit of both city and citizens. The project has identified over 140 categories of information relevant for improving the services, and has developed an analysis pilot based on the analysis of 190 million sets of urban data. Over the coming months, Santander City Lab will focus its activities on analysing management services for green areas.
The presentation highlighted the challenge of putting data-based management into practice. It requires the creation of quality city information platforms, new management models for services companies, service designs based on dynamic decision-making rather than static planning, and a regulatory framework to allow access to urban information while at the same time guaranteeing privacy and adequate use thereof.