The Inserta Agreement will, on this occasion, involve hiring 30 individuals with disabilities over the next three years, as well as implementing other measures for training and for social and work integration.
Both companies renewed the Inserta Agreement, which was first signed in 2003. On this occasion, it will entail hiring 30 individuals with disabilities over the next three years, thus climbing to 150 hires since the beginning of this collaboration. The renewal took place at an event with Agustín González Hermosilla, Director of Human Resources at Ferrovial Services Spain, and General Manager of the ONCE Foundation, José Luis Martínez Donoso, in attendance.
Ferrovial Services will rely on Inserta Empleo, an entity for training and employment that belongs to the ONCE Foundation, to address the selection processes for candidates with disabilities in jobs that the company may need, as well as developing possible training activities and professional qualifications. This agreement is part of the company’s Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Plan, as well as in the operational programs that the ONCE Foundation is a part of through Inserta Empleo, with co-financing from the European Social Fund.
Alongside the ONCE Foundation, Ferrovial Services Spain works with other entities specializing in employing individuals with disabilities and those who are or may be at risk of exclusion, such as the Red Cross, the Integra Foundation, GoodJob, and CEPAIM.
Ferrovial Services Holds SGE21 Certification Regarding Corporate Social Responsibility
The company has also maintained certification under the SGE21 standard in Spain. This standard is the first European regulation that allows implementing, auditing, and certifying a socially responsible, ethical management system at a company. The renewed certification prioritizes five lines of action: Good Governance, Training for Employment and Socio-Labor Insertion, Social Innovation and Action, Environment, and People Behind the Organization.