More than 140 personalities from the infrastructure sector and construction and public works team providers attended the presentation of the 12th Potencia (“Power“) Awards for Construction and Projects, held at the Bankia Príncipe Pio La Estación Gran Teatro in Madrid.

José Manuel Galdós, TPI’s managing director, welcomed participants and thanked everyone for their collaboration, highlighting the sector’s importance in our country’s economy, as well as the effort that Spanish construction and engineering companies are making to overcome blows from the crisis. He also emphasized the prestige of their work and noted that they are important bearers of the value of “Marca España” (“Brand Spain”).

The Erques Viaduct was the winner of the XII Potencia Award for Construction and Projects in the category of Bridges and Viaducts, which was presented by Ricardo Cortes, technical director of SEOPAN, to Juan José Sánchez Ramírez, head of the Department of Public Works Structures I of Technical Management, on behalf of Ferrovial Agroman. Juan José Sánchez participated in drafting the unique project for the Erques arch and technical assistance during its construction, for which he was the head of Technical Management for Ferrovial Agroman.
Other award-winning projects were:
Ground Transportation
Access highway to La Coruña (AC-14) and connection with the Tercera Ronda (V-14), Acciona Construcción, and UTE Comsa-Atesvi
Environmental restoration from extraction mine to open pit in Puertollano, Endesa.
Demolition of the old Odeón movie theaters in Madrid, Anka Demoliciones.
Urban construction
Hospital de Antofagasta, Chile, Sacyr.
Underground Construction Tunnels
Expansion of the Treatment Plant in Bekkelaget, Norway, OSSA.