
Women from across the organisation get involved in various activities to mark National Women in Engineering Day

On Monday 22nd June, Department for Transport Minister Claire Perry MP visited the Crossrail’s Farringdon site in Central London to meet some of the project’s women engineers. The visit was one of several events across the country which Bam Ferrovial Kier to part in to recognise National Women in Engineering Day on Tuesday 23rd June.

Claire Perry MP met some of BFK’s women engineers working on the Crossrail project, alongside others from Transport for London and Network to speak about their roles and position within the industry.

She said; “women are still underrepresented in professions such as engineering, surveying and construction. That is why it is so important that we inspire the next generation of female engineers, building on the hard work of women in engineering today.”

To celebrate National Women in Engineering Day, women from various Ferrovial Agroman projects made their way to the iconic Horse Guard’s Parade in London to take part in a mass photo call as part of the Institute of Civil Engineer’s ‘100 years of Women in Transport’ campaign. The photo call, which was attended by over 800 women in engineering and technology roles, was set to break the Guinness World Record for “the most people performing a jumping high five simultaneously’, reflecting the theme of the campaign to high five the amazing achievements of women in the industry.

Even though women make up half the population of the UK, the average number of women engineers is only 10%. With an aim to increase this average within the company, Ferrovial Agroman continues to strengthen their work in local schools through workshops and careers days to encourage younger generations of women to enter into and succeed in engineering.

To build on other existing initiatives to promote women within the company and the industry, there were several mini photo shoots across the different projects to capture as many female members of staff as possible, either in their everyday working environment or proudly holding the ‘WE are’ slogan. This photo montage will form part of a wider campaign to celebrate the achievements of the women in the company and the basis of a support network for the growing female community.


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