
Ferrovial Joins in Celebrating the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Here at Ferrovial, we work under the assumption that every accident can be prevented, and that’s why we’re adopting the motto “Target Zero,” with the firm conviction that it is possible to reduce workplace accidents as much as possible for our workers, contractors, and those who may be affected by our work.

As a result, there has been a 50.2% decrease in accidents over the last five years due to the initiatives and preventive measures taken, explained below.

Best practices for workplace health and safety

During 2018, several initiatives kicked off. Among them are the following outstanding best practices at the corporate level as well as for business units:

  • F-Safety app: a corporate tool that standardizes, improves, and accelerates the process for collecting health and safety information, thereby aiding quick detection of potential areas of improvement and subsequent implementation of corrective measures.
  • FS H&S Point: a digital database for exchanging best practices between more than 100 health and safety professionals developed by Ferrovial Services.
  • Informational videos at Ferrovial Agroman: videos that explain and try to raise awareness about corporate health and safety standards among employees in a practical way.
  • Safe for life: a prevention-based program implemented at Broadspectrum with four strategic areas for action, visible leadership, effective communication, identifying and monitoring hazards, and personal and organizational resilience.
  • Zero Code: a work code developed by Amey that highlights actions and behaviors that workers and contractors must abide by to minimize the risk of accidents.

Road safety, Ferrovial’s biggest challenge

As a large infrastructure operator, Ferrovial is committed to continually improving road safety for workers as well as users. Various initiatives were carried out in this field in 2018. Among them, DriveSmart and Skopi stand out.

DriveSmart is a mobile app developed by Cintra whose challenge is improving road safety. It operates based on driving data collected from users on the highway for later analysis, processing, and detecting driving habits, all in order to improve road safety and prevent accidents. The pilot was tested on the Terrasa-Manresa Highway to promote its usage among drivers on the highway as well as in its areas of influence. Given the positive results obtained, the project has been extended to the Autopista del Sol. This initiative is aligned with Cintra’s commitment to using new technologies for improving its workers’ and users’ health and safety.

As for FBSerwis, they have developed SKOPI, a service to raise awareness among drivers and improve safety for highway maintenance operators. The initiative’s motto is “Slow down! We’re working for you.” Drivers who use the app receive a notification that displays an image and makes their phones vibrate as they are approaching a construction zone.


Contact Us

Head of External communication and Institutional relations

Ana García Ruiz

External communication and media relations

Isabel Muñoz Torres

Head of US Corporate Communications and Brand

Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015

UK Communications Director

Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605