Press Release

Ferrovial launches the 13th edition of Social Infrastructures to finance water and sanitation projects

Ferrovial has launched the call for the 13th edition of the Social Infrastructures program, aimed at financing international cooperation initiatives to improve water and sanitation facilities. All private non-profit entities (foundations, NGOs, etc.) legally constituted and registered in Spain and declared of Public Utility, whose social purpose is to assist groups at risk of social vulnerability, may submit their projects.  

Social Infrastructures was created in 2011 to provide funds to organizations in the field and, at the same time, share the experience and expert knowledge of Ferrovial employees, who travel to the communities where the projects are carried out. Throughout its twelve previous editions, more than 140 volunteers have collaborated directly in the implementation, reviewing the designs of the distribution networks, sizing the tanks, assessing the environmental impact, and identifying the best alternatives for making the water drinkable, fundamental steps to guarantee the success of the projects.  

Since its launch, the company has allocated 7.3 million euros to 37 plans, improving access to and quality of water and sanitation for more than 336,000 people in 12 countries and three continents: Africa, South America, and Asia.  

The call for proposals for the Social Infrastructures 2023 Program will remain open until May-31 at 12:00 noon Spanish time. 

Commitment to international cooperation   

Ferrovial has collaborated in programs together with several NGOs in Colombia, improving the water infrastructures of communities in the districts of Antioquia, Bolívar, Cauca, Córdoba, and Santander, in eastern Colombia. Since 2015, it has focused on the latter district, channeling aid through Action Against Hunger. The company has paid for seven projects in the communities adjacent to the road known as Ruta del Cacao, a core area for Ferrovial and its social commitment, impacting the lives of over 5,170 people.  

In addition, in 2022, Ferrovial has developed, together with Engineering for Cooperation (ICLI), a water supply and sanitation project to improve the hygiene and sanitation conditions of the rural population in the north of Kamonyi District, in Rwanda’s Southern Province, helping nearly 9,300 people. The initiative adds to previous collaborations to improve water infrastructures in Sub-Saharan Africa, such as the project for refugees in Um Sangour, South Sudan, Maji ni Uhai (Water is Life) in Tanzania, recognized with the European Prize for International Cooperation for Sustainable Development. 

In its 12th edition, the company has also carried out with Fundación Esperanza y Alegría the development of the drinking water supply system for the Mundakayam Medical Trust hospital in Idukki, in Kerala, India. It is the second Social Infrastructures project in the country and has the broadest impact, improving the quality of life of 40,000 people.  

Spain at the center of the aid 

In addition to its commitment to local communities internationally, Spain occupies a central and natural place in Ferrovial’s social initiatives. To contribute to inclusion and alleviate poverty, the company develops two programs simultaneously with Social Infrastructures: Juntos Sumamos (Stronger Together) and Acción Social en España (Social Action in Spain).  

Under the umbrella of Stronger Together, Ferrovial matches the amount donated by its employees to the projects they choose to improve the living conditions of people at risk of social vulnerability. Since 2013, the company has funded 16 projects in Spain in collaboration with non-profit organizations such as Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Aldeas Infantiles SOS, and Menudos Corazones, among others, impacting more than 5,100 people in provinces such as Jaén, Madrid or Pontevedra.   

The Social Action in Spain program, with eleven projects and more than one million euros invested, has improved access to food for more than 78,800 people in vulnerable situations, in collaboration with the Red Cross and the Spanish Federation of Food Banks, among others. Within the framework of this program, the company has rehabilitated homeless shelters and soup kitchens.  


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Ana García Ruiz


Isabel Muñoz Torres


Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015


Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605