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NTE Mobility Partners wins Bill Ridgway Spirit of Enterprise Award

NTE was honored at the HEB chamber’s annual award luncheon and was the 2018 recipient of the Bill Ridgway Spirit of Enterprise Award.

The award recognizes individuals or entities who have been significantly involved in the economic development of Hurst, Euless and Bedford. Commissioner Gary Fickes, the 2017 recipient, presented the award to Allie Frysinger, Public Relations and Marketing for NTE. Robert Earley, the luncheon moderator, noted the valuable role that NTE has played in transforming the infrastructure around these cities and stated, “Our honoree’s accomplishments are virtually impossible not to notice. That’s because they spearheaded the project to upgrade Airport Freeway. As you know, it was a large and complex undertaking. But I think we can all agree it’s a dramatic improvement. The improved roads make HEB both more livable and even better suited to attract and retain businesses.” He even went on to recognize that NTE was now making similar improvements to I-35W.

Nte Mobility Partners Wins Bill Ridgway Spirit Of Enterprise Award

NTE’s community service efforts were also recognized. Earley said:

“But road projects are only one part of the story, because when it comes to community service, NTE takes a back seat to no one. Causes they have made significant contributions to include the Tarrant Area Food Bank, March for Babies and the STEM programs at the HEB and Birdville school districts. Also last year, their employees spent two days volunteering with Meals on Wheels.”

Upon announcing that NTE was the 2018 award recipient, Earley enthusiastically thanked NTE:

“…literally going the extra mile to help grow and support the community.”

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