Cintra has launched a new engineering training initiative in partnership with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with a series of presentations that are aimed at attracting talent and advertising various career opportunities to students at this university.
On the 22nd of March, a symposium was held in the offices of Cintra in which several professionals from different departments shared their experience of the company with students at UPM.
Juan Navarrete, from the Financial and Economic Analysis Leadership Group, pointed out the different opportunities on offer for an engineer, inviting first-year Master's degree students in Civil Engineering at UPM to explore new avenues in the public and private sectors.
Frederico Brízido, from the same Leadership Group, highlighted the need to read and educate yourself independently once you join the team.
'All the work of studying between inputs and outputs is difficult. You have to educate yourself and ask yourself what it is that you do not understand: ask, ask, and keep asking.'Ana Méndez, from the Operations Leadership Group, joined Cintra by means of the scholarship programme Challenge, which allows recent graduates to opt for an international scholarship to work in offices of Cintra around the world.
'I thought that I was cut out for research, but when I tried it during the degree, I didn't like it so much.' I gave the Challenge scholarship a go and it paid off. Now I'm in the department I wanted to be in.'By contrast, José Luis Sanz, from the Corporate Development and Business Leadership Group, had no doubts about wanting to join this section after finishing his Citius scholarship, an agreement with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid that allows you to supplement your studies with specific engineering training courses. Luis Aguirre, the Project Head of the Corporate Development and Business section, closed the presentations by underlining the commitment that Cintra has to the 'search for serious, competent associates who are on the same page as us in terms of the company's commitment.'