
Completed the remodeling of the Benalmádena East junction to relieve traffic congestion on the AP-7 highway.

Ferrovial Construction responds to traffic flow demands in one of the most populated areas of the Costa del Sol. The improvements to the toll-free zone of the AP-7 freeway at the Arroyo de la Miel junction will solve the traffic capacity problems and will put an end to the frequent traffic jams in the lanes and on the shoulders of both lanes of the road.

The remodeling project of the existing junction at KP 222 of the AP-7 has included the construction of a depressed traffic circle, new branches and braided lanes on the trunk of the AP-7 up to the accesses to the service station at KP 223. The remodeling of the previous configuration of the junction, which was a depressed diamond with weights, meets the objective of improving the operation of the junction.

To successfully complete this junction, popularly known as the Arroyo de la Miel junction, it has been necessary to modify 2.7 kilometers of the total length of the project and to carry out two underpasses, 700 linear meters of walls and 3.6 kilometers of branches and braided lanes.

Due to the increase in traffic on that road since the project was drafted in 2015, it was necessary to modify the initial approach and draft a new project in 2018 with changes to the temporary detours and adjustments to the layout. In this way, it was possible to keep the existing branches operational during most of the work, significantly improving the operating conditions of the AP-7 during construction. This change also involved the modification of drainage, walls and structures. The total project budget, including modifications, was €10,950,732.32.

Another of the actions carried out by Ferrovial Construction’s team, during the execution of the project, was to review the pavements with the current traffic levels and to reduce as much as possible the excavations in rock, since it was not advisable to fly due to the proximity of traffic, houses and sensitive facilities.

The inauguration ceremony was attended, among other authorities, by Pedro Fernández Peñalver, Government Delegate in Andalusia, Teófilo Ruiz Municio, Government Subdelegate in Málaga, Javier Herrero Lizano, General Director of Roads, Salvador Fernández Quesada, Head of the Road Demarcation in Eastern Andalusia, and Manuel Carazo Carazo, Director of the Works.  On behalf of Ferrovial Construction, Juan Lozano Villalta, director of Civil Works Construction, Alberto Torres Moreno, director of the Southern Region, Celestino Orzáez Alcázar, head of the Works Group, Manuel López Olmedo, works manager, Antonio Guardeño Mármol, head of Production, Antonio Moreno García, works manager, and David Mata Ortega, works administrator, were present. Absent from the ceremony, but also participating in the work, were Javier Torroja Fungairiño, manager, and Héctor Peralta Moreno, head of Topography.

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