For the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Ferrovial has launched several efforts that show its commitment to a society free of gender-based violence.
For the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women celebrated on November 25, Ferrovial has launched several efforts in response to the commitments included in the plans for equality, as well as the agreements with public administration reached in 2013, to order to promote awareness of gender-based violence and the integration of its victims into the work force.
In 2013, Ferrovial joined the project ‘Businesses for a society free of gender-based violence’ led by the Ministry of Health, Social Issues, and Equality to spread social awareness of equality between men and women and of respect for fundamental rights, in order to foster a society free from gender-based violence. Ferrovial’s commitment provides the basis for carrying out efforts to promote awareness for the goals of this initiative, as well as efforts around the integration of those who have suffered abuse into the workforce, in which collaboration with Fundación Integra stands out. This foundation works to assist the integration of the most vulnerable groups into the workforce.
Access to employment for women that have been abused is the best bet for breaking the circle of violence in which they and their children find themselves, and for them to be able to actively participate in society again.
Resources provided by the Ministry
If you would like more information, you can open the Ministry’s web page through this link.

Ferrovial committed to the Elimination of Violence Against Women