
Ferrovial helps to improve transport models in the European Transforming Transport project

The initiative will apply Big Data technology to the mobility and logistics sector to redefine transport models in such a way to increase operative efficiency and improve the experience for users and define new services.

Transforming transport models

On 1st Janaury the European Transforming Transport project was launched, financed within the R&D&I framework programme Horizon 2020, and with the participation of the Department of R&D and the Department of Railways and Transport of Ferrovial Agroman, Cintra, CI3 and the Innovation and Processes Division of Ferrovial Corporación. This transport models initiative seeks to validate, both technically and economically, the capacity of Big Data technologies to define new business models and services that improve operative efficiency and user experience in the mobility and logistics sector.


In order to accomplish that, and for the 30 months that the project will run, pilot projects will be rolled out across seven different areas: Smart High-ways, with the participation of Cintra and CI3; Sustainable Vehicle Fleets; Proactive Rail Infrastructures, with the participation of Ferrovial Agroman and CI3; Ports as Intelligent Logistics Hubs; Efficient Air Transport; Multi-modal Urban Mobility and Dynamic Supply Chains.

For each of these areas, two pilots have been planned with the aim of validating the replicability of the solutions developed.

The consortium carrying out this transport models project is led by Indra and has a total of 47 partners from countries such as Greece, Germany, Italy, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Spain.

Participation of Cintra, Ferrovial Agroman and CI3 

Cintra and Ferrovial Agroman are participating in this transport models project, as are the Centre for the Innovation of Smart Infrastructures (CI3), along with the Innovation and Processes Division of Corporación.

Cintra, a leader in tasks relating to smart highways, is participating in the two planned pilot projects, which are also based at two of its concessions: the Autopista del Sol highway (Málaga) and the Norte Litoral highway (Portugal). The work to be carried out will allow the organization to improve the mobility in the corridor, increase safety on our roads and optimize resources for the reduction of the operational cost of the infrastructures.

For its part, Ferrovial Agroman is participating in a number of activities included in the area of rail infrastructure. Specifically, it has an important role in the replica pilot in this area which, located in the Córdoba-Málaga high-speed corridor, is aimed at improving the reliability of infrastructure and optimizing its predictive maintenance. Also involved in the works are the Department or Railways and Department of R&D&I.

CI3 is also a partner of the project in which it will participate by collaborating with Ferrovial businesses in the preparation and technical coordination of pilots, ensuring coherence of data and predictive models. In addition, the Innovation and Processes Division of Ferrovial Corporación will provide support to the three entities in the management of this consortium project.

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Ana García Ruiz


Isabel Muñoz Torres


Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015


Laura Brown

+44 75 9577 8605